Posted on: 22nd January 2019, by Magrathea
Many of you will have seen Ofcom’s recent figures showing the decline of fixed line communication and a huge increase in data use. We realise these figures won’t have been a big surprise to most in our industry and anyone with children or younger colleagues are almost certainly going to have witnessed the shift to convenient, fast and often free communication that is embraced by so many nowadays.
However, it is our view that these figures can give a false impression…whilst it’s true there are now many alternatives to voice calls and there are many good reasons for using them. We think it’s important we remember why we have loved being part of the telecommunications industry for so many years and why you continue to see a growth in mobile voice minutes alongside this change of trend.
Let us ask you, how many of you still call your parents to check they are OK? Or call your children from a business trip to wish them goodnight? Or phone your partner to remind them you are on the way home and to get dinner on the go? Or call your favourite client because you know that people do business with people they have built a relationship with? We would have a bet that it’s a significant number of you and that’s because, despite there being many alternatives, most of us still have an innate desire for proper interactive relationships that reach beyond anything data services alone can offer.
It is for this reason we think that voice calls, regardless of the underlying technology, will be around for many years to come! And that is why Magrathea and our team of committed ‘chatty people’ will continue to contribute to industry initiatives, will strive to help our clients grow and develop their innovate communication solutions and be available by telephone to offer support when needed!
You can see the Ofcom article here: