If you already have your own Ofcom assigned number ranges but aren’t able to host them yourself, or if you don’t have a direct account with another major carrier, we can help with number hosting on our high quality network. Leasing a BT interconnect partition from us saves you money while our experts manage the complexity.
Try our user-friendly API to manage your number ranges, cost forecasting and revenue, secure in the knowledge that our excellent client focus team will help and advise you should you need us.
Our network has multiple connections to BT’s NGS network, providing the best possible resilience for your own services. As a result of our multiple interconnect points, the revenue generated from NTS numbering will be higher than that found on less well-connected networks.
Just give us a monthly forecast of how much capacity you are likely to use, and we will present you with one simple, competitive monthly charge. Our engineers will then monitor your actual usage, and if at any time your usage rate rises or falls, we will adjust your bill automatically.
We will give you a detailed monthly report showing the revenue generated by your numbers. We also pass on to you the full interconnect revenue received from BT, as if you were running the interconnect in-house. Through number hosting with Magrathea, we can take care of the hassle and upfront costs for you.
Here’s an example of how it can support our clients to grow their business: SME Client looking to grow