Fibre & Partial Fibre (SOGEA) Broadband

Fibre & Partial Fibre (SOGEA) Broadband

Whether you want to update your product portfolio from a legacy product or add something new, we can help you join the expanding fibre broadband marketplace. We are able to remove many of the barriers of entry with our wholesale expertise. By buying directly from Magrathea, you can offer your customers our Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) products and where not available there is Single Order Generic Ethernet Access (SOGEA). We have access to two suppliers, BT Wholesale and AllPoints Fibre, with a range of speeds so you can meet the needs of your customers who use it for their leisure, work activities, or both.

Orders can be placed and tracked via the MAGIC portal.



As always at Magrathea, our pricing structure is transparent and simple, based on a per month model and dependent on the speed and supplier chosen. This means you can easily package the product with other services you already offer or as a standalone offering.

There are no set up fees to become a fibre reseller with Magrathea; however, each order has an installation cost. As a wholesale provider we have been able to negotiate favourable rates for both monthly fees and installation costs so you can enter the market place with competitive prices.

Customer equipment is not included.  If you need customer equipment then this comes at an extra cost and if choosing a BT product, it can be supplied directly by BT.

Here’s how it can be used to widen a clients’ portfolio of services: Existing client

Want to find out more about fibre broadband?

Interested? Just give us a call or drop us a line and we can take it from there.