
Employee Profile- Lucy Elder-Bowles

Posted on: 21st May 2019, by Magrathea

Careers at Magrathea: Lucy Elder- Bowles- Network Manager   It’s been a busy couple of months in the Magrathea office, this month we focus on Lucy, one of our management team.   Joining Magrathea over 11 years ago, Lucy is one of the first members of staff the company recruited. Magrathea’s Director, Linus, knew Lucy […]

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The future of telephony- under review

Posted on: 18th April 2019, by Magrathea

Ofcom have recently launched three consultations which are short (by usual standards!), concise and on the surface appear quite simple.  However, these three documents are among some of the most critical we have seen out of the regulator in recent years.  These consultations are not a surprise, they were promised in the Annual Plan and […]

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Employee Profile – Tom May

Posted on: 29th March 2019, by Magrathea

Careers at Magrathea: Tom May– Tech Support Team Member and Network Engineer   Magrathea do have some male employees (!) to prove it, this month we speak to Tom and ask him about his role within Magrathea.   Tom joined Team Magrathea in 2014 from his previous role as a contractor in the security industry. […]

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Employee Profile- Tom May

Posted on: , by Magrathea

Careers at Magrathea: Tom May– Tech Support Team Member and Network Engineer Magrathea do have some male employees (!) to prove it, this month we speak to Tom and ask him about his role within Magrathea.   Tom joined Team Magrathea in 2014 from his previous role as a contractor in the security industry. He […]

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Magrathea Newsletter March 2019

Posted on: 19th March 2019, by Magrathea

Welcome to the latest edition of the Magrathea Newsletter, combining news from Magrathea and around the industry.   The ‘old’ account status page Last year we launched our Client Portal and RestAPI – these tools allow clients to manage their accounts, access information on our services and make simple changes to accounts – including balance […]

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Employee Profile- Daisy Barrett

Posted on: 26th February 2019, by Magrathea

Careers at Magrathea: Daisy Barrett – Porting Team Leader   This month, we have delved into the porting team and selected Daisy, who heads up the port team. Joining Magrathea from a career in beauty therapy, Daisy craved a change and joined us as a junior porting team member in 2014, her focus and positive […]

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