Posted on: 11th April 2023, by Magrathea
As our clients will be aware, the Gaining Party Led rules for switching and porting came into effect last week and all service providers need to get compliant as soon as possible.
We have been supporting industry efforts to address business switching and are pleased to be able to share this first industry-wide bulletin from the Gaining Provider Led Business Steering Group (GPLB-SC) along with a copy of the proposed industry process design.
The GPLB-SG request that providers review and provide constructive comments on the document (utilising the ‘review’ facility in Word) as it’s important that a wide variety of providers have input into the final process.
To read the bulletin, please click here: GPLB-SG Industry Comms Bulletin No1
To provide your feedback, please click here: GPL Business Switching Industry Process Design v1.00 April2023
You can send your feedback to us or direct to who is collating responses before the close of play 24 April 2023.