
June staff profile – Michael

Posted on: 18th June 2024, by Magrathea

For this month we’ve caught up with Michael.  Many of our clients will have spoken with him in his porting role but he has recently had a change in responsibilities, so we’re interested to hear how things are going…   What do you enjoy about working here? I think for me the thing I enjoy […]

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June 2024 – Newsletter

Posted on: 4th June 2024, by Magrathea

  Welcome to the June newsletter, combining news from Magrathea and around the industry.   Client survey – we want your views!   It’s been a year since we last reached out to ask for your views about our products and how we support you and we’re asking for your help again to ensure that […]

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Comreg and Ofcom aligning on scam calls

Posted on: 30th May 2024, by Magrathea

The topic of scam calls is hot hot hot, unlike our summer currently!  And not just in our industry either.  According to the National Crime Agency, fraud is the most commonly experienced crime in the UK and accounts for over 40% of reported incidents.  When you consider that we believe fraud often goes unreported, with […]

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May staff profile – Alison

Posted on: 23rd May 2024, by Magrathea

  Alison started here in 2018, helping to check carrier routes.  We last caught up with her 3 years ago when she was working in porting and sales support and we now find her working as Strategic Assistant to Tracey our MD – so we thought we’d catch up with her to find out how […]

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May 2024 – Newsletter

Posted on: 7th May 2024, by Magrathea

Welcome to the May newsletter, combining news from Magrathea and around the industry. Gaining Provider Led Switching & Porting / One Touch Switch (OTS)   Our clients will have received an email already with a link to our simple guidance as well as a survey, please do take a minute to respond so we can […]

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There is only one thing worse than being talked about…

Posted on: 23rd April 2024, by Magrathea

As Oscar Wilde famously said, there is only one thing worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.  A problem Magrathea has faced in the past. If a business can have a personality type, then Magrathea is without doubt an introvert.  We have always enjoyed sitting in the shade of our […]

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